Who We Are

The Pop-Up Collective: Greg Barth, Mark Horton, Paul LaFlam, Megan Rieke & Brian D. Smith

Pop-Up gallery at 1533 Washington Avenue. Photo by Emily Amberger.Pop-Up gallery at 1533 Washington Avenue. Photo by Emily Amberger.

Art Saint Louis is pleased to showcase work by a collection of St. Louis regional artists at 1533 Washington Avenue. Featured artists include Greg Barth, Mark Horton, Paul LaFlam, Megan Rieke and Brian D. Smith. For sales inquiries, phone Art Saint Louis at 314-241-4810.


"Each painting is started and completed in my mind several times before I even start an actual painting. This is so I do not get distracted (as much) by wonderful things I did not anticipate. I then coax the paint or as of late, I have had to reign in it's energy to achieve the piece I had envisioned in my head. With the exception of three paintings, my paintings are completed in one session, I prefer the instant gratification and if one takes even one day longer I find it increasingly difficult to remain focused.

I paint large for a couple of reasons; because it is fun and I want to get the viewers attention from across the room, maybe even from across the street, then pull you in closer and closer, so enjoy the journey, within each painting there are many small worlds to be discovered." - Paul LaFlam

Paul LaFlam. Letter from Tibet, No Postage Due. 2012. Acrylic on Canvas.Paul LaFlam. Letter from Tibet, No Postage Due. 2012. Acrylic on Canvas. Paul LaFlam. I Jumped But I Did Not Land. 2012. Acrylic on Canvas.Paul LaFlam. I Jumped But I Did Not Land. 2012. Acrylic on Canvas.
Paul LaFlam. Here Life is Always in Full Bloom. 2012. Acrylic on Canvas.Paul LaFlam. Here Life is Always in Full Bloom. 2012. Acrylic on Canvas. Paul LaFlam. Something is Awry, Mr. Cheshire. 2012. Acrylic on Canvas.Paul LaFlam. Something is Awry, Mr. Cheshire. 2012. Acrylic on Canvas.

Check out Paul LaFlam's website for more samples of his work.



"As a painter, I'm free to evoke my emotions through visible struggles. Without having to digest and evaluate them, they remain raw. My paintings are intended to be an honest interpretation of my world colored by my emotions.

The motif of my struggle is showing how ugly can be pretty. Rust, corrosion and foulness are beautiful to me because they are honest. The paint itself is the central character of my works. By utilizing the material's fluidity, my struggle becomes palatable. In a world scared to live truly, the ugly underbelly of our existence is the foundation of everything beautiful.

The point? To accept the world's imperfections and our own imperfect selves." - Megan Rieke

Megan Rieke. If I knew you were going to show up, I would have prepared myself better. 2012. Acrylic on Wood Panel.Megan Rieke. If I knew you were going to show up, I would have prepared myself better. 2012. Acrylic on Wood Panel. Megan Rieke. Are you a man or a mouse? Neither. I'm a woman. 2013. Latex, Acrylic, Charcoal on Canvas.Megan Rieke. Are you a man or a mouse? Neither. I'm a woman. 2013. Latex, Acrylic, Charcoal on Canvas.
Megan Rieke. When I saw you cross the room my whole world exploded. 2011. Acrylic on Canvas.Megan Rieke. When I saw you cross the room my whole world exploded. 2011. Acrylic on Canvas. Megan Rieke. There is nothing to writing. All you do is sit down at a typewriter and bleed – Ernest Hemingway. 2013. Latex, Acrylic, Charcoal on Wood Panel.Megan Rieke. There is nothing to writing. All you do is sit down at a typewriter and bleed – Ernest Hemingway. 2013. Latex, Acrylic, Charcoal on Wood Panel.

Check out Megan Rieke's website for more samples of her work. 



Greg Barth, photography featured in pop-up gallery at 1424 Washington Avenue

Mark Horton, painting featured in pop-up gallery at 1204 Washington Avenue

Brian D. Smith, painting featured in pop-up gallery at 1224 Washington Avenue



You can help your favorite Pop-Up STL artist win a $250 Audience Choice Award by tweeting your vote to @ArtStLouis and hashtagging your favorite artworks. Hashtag details are included on showtags in each gallery. 

 Special thanks to U.S. Bancorp Community Development Corporation for program sponsorship, and to the
Downtown Community Improvement District and the Chicago Loop Alliance for their help with program development. 

Art Saint Louis │ 1223 Pine Street │ St. Louis, MO │ 63103 │ p: 314-410-7576 │