
Art adds to your client experience. Great original artwork stimulates and entices. It makes clients want to stay. It starts and continues discussions. High quality pieces, curated by Art...


Interior Designers & Architects

Art complements your concept. Fill your freshly designed space with original art. Art Saint Louis will match the quality of your design with one-of-a-kind local pieces, and let...


Property Owners & Developers

What makes your space different? Small details make big statements. Make your properties different, special. Rent your properties for more with art from Art Saint Louis. Original, locally-created artwork...



Art supports healing. You want to improve the health of your patients by giving them exceptional, compassionate care. Art will support more positive hospital stays by inspiring patients,...


Exhibit Services

Becoming a Peacock Community

Every once in a while you come across a video online that you just have to share. That happend to me this week. Check out the video below. It may seem a bit off the wall at first (peacocks, really?), but stick with it. The speaker, playwrite Gwydion Suilebhan, hits the ball out of the park in articulating the value of organizations like Art Saint Louis. Seriously, I couldn't have put it better myself.

For some time after watching this video, I planned to post it here on my blog and chime in with comments of my own. But beyond "Check out the video below," the only comment I have worth adding (maybe) is the suggestion that art can perhaps be thought of as something that appears to have no practical value whatsoever, but is ultimately indispensable.

Art Saint Louis │ 1223 Pine Street │ St. Louis, MO │ 63103 │ p: 314-410-7576 │